From The Founders Desk

Dear Friends,

Samrohana is a totally well-being oriented initiative for cancer patients and survivors. The aim is to offer an intuitive and well-spaced out care, support and guidance right from the diagnosis stage till the patient is cancer-free.  We are powered with well-knit network of medical fraternity, cancer patients and their caregivers, cancer survivors and healthcare workers with experience in handling cancer patients. 

Undoubtedly, the journey to overcome cancer means traveling across an untrodden path full of challenges and strife.  The journey involves trips to doctor, hospitals, and a series of imaging tests, a comprehensive treatment schedule coupled with never experienced before side and/or after effects, and so on. Samarohana intends to provide that meaningful support, care and guidance through this journey.

Also, Samarohana is keen to offer support to cancer survivors who are clueless on how to deal with side effects and long term side effects of their cancer treatment. A high risk of remission is yet another major challenge which cancer survivors face.   Our medical volunteers can counsel them on what to expect after being diagnosed as cancer-free and how to live a healthy normal life. 

Samarohana wishes to support yet another set of cancer patients; those who are sole earners of the family but stricken with the deadly disease. Each passing moment for them and their family members is dreadful, panic stricken and so much full of stress. We endeavor to help them in every possible way, be it financial support, moral support, counseling, and so on. Yes, we plan to be with them and support them as they traverse this pain wrecking and bitter journey of life.

– Dr. Sandeep Nayak